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11 Major Benefits of Investing in Email Marketing

Written by Jason Bramble | Jul 13, 2020 7:16:32 PM

Most of us can admit we have had our inbox full of company promotions at some time or another after making a purchase online, and that’s thanks to email marketing.

Email marketing is a marketing strategy used to send groups of people interested in business emails about upcoming offers or deals and to keep audiences informed about company updates through regular newsletters.

Both B2B and B2C companies use email marketing as a highly effective form of digital marketing and its clear to understand why.

Email marketing has the potential to help a business improve its website traffic, increase sales, build trust, and brand awareness.

Are you keen to find out more about how marketing with email can benefit your company?

Here, we’ll run through the benefits of email marketing and why you should consider it a key strategy for promoting your business.


1. Email marketing is affordable

Firstly, one of the many reasons email marketing is so popular is because it is affordable.

Businesses with both small and large scale budgets can use email marketing to connect with their audiences.

There are many free platforms that allow small businesses with small budgets to connect with their customers, making it a great way to boost sales for just a small cost.

Email marketing has the potential to help bring in a large return on investment because you are sending promotions directly to your audience’s email inboxes and encouraging clicks to your website.

As a digital marketing strategy, email marketing is also environmentally friendly because it’s all online!


2. Great for return on investment

Since email marketing can be achieved at just a small cost, the potential return on investment is huge.

According to Hubspot, email marketing generates on average around $38 return for every $1 spent, because customers can make purchases through links directed to your site from promotional emails.

The return on investment potential you can get from marketing via email makes it one of the best ways to engage with your stakeholders and can work hand in hand with other digital marketing methods like social media for building good customer relationships.


3. Abandoned cart emails

Email marketing can be tailored to various requirements.

If you run an eCommerce business and are tracking when items are added to customer’s online shopping carts, or browsing your site for specific items, you can use email marketing to tailor communications to each customer.

Cart reminder emails could help to boost sales because it reminds the customer what they were shopping for and why.

You could even use it as an opportunity to provide free shipping or short term personalized discounts to encourage a sale or upsell other items on your site.


4. Drive website traffic

Email marketing can be a useful tool to compliment your other website traffic strategies, helping more leads and customers find your website.

Each email might have a different purpose, whether that’s informing them of your new company blog post or a new offer.

Either way, each email should encourage your audience to click on a feature that links to your website.

This, in turn, can increase your conversion rates because customers may be interested in the products advertised in your emails.


5. Leads and sales generation

Anyone who signs up to your email marketing list has the potential to become a customer, which makes email marketing a useful tool for both leads and sales generation.

If your business is online, it can be difficult to nurture leads into customers.

Email marketing should be used as a tool to do exactly that.

Help your leads to learn more about your business, your products, and promotions.


6. Brand awareness

For small and new startup businesses, brand awareness can be a challenge.

Building brand awareness is all about letting potential customers know that your business exists, but with a small budget, this can be difficult.

Luckily, email marketing, as we have discussed, is very affordable which means that building brand awareness with this technique won’t break the bank.

Once you start to build your subscriber list and send out meaningful, exciting content through your emails, you’ll find that you start to build your brand awareness.

Don’t forget to encourage your subscribers to engage with your social media pages and make your emails shareable.


7. Measurable results

With email marketing, you can easily track the success of your campaigns by following statistics along the way.

Measure your results by tracking the open-rate on your latest campaign, click rate, and unsubscribe numbers.

Tracking your results is a sure way of analyzing what works best for your audiences and which offers generate the best results.

Measuring your results also helps to save money too, because you will find that you only invest in pushing emails that generate a good return on investment.

In fact, Devin Schumacher from SERP University says that email marketing can even lead to a 3x boost in conversions:

“Email is such a powerful marketing method, because it’s a direct message, straight to a person’s inbox. It’s the digital equivalent of your letterbox outside your house." – Devin Schumacher, SERP University


8. Allows you to segment your audiences

Each person that signs up to an email list will be in a different stage of the sales journey to another.

With email marketing, you can segment your customers into different categories, sending them emails that only apply to where they are in the sales cycle.

For example, are you targeting leads that are yet to make a purchase?

Customers that have already made several purchases but want to find out about future offers?

You might think about sending exclusive offers or discounts to long-term customers to thank them for their customer loyalty, or send new discounts to customers that have abandoned their shopping carts recently.

Segmenting your audience is a good way to stay authentic as a brand, as opposed to pushing out generic emails that might get ignored by people in a completely different stage of the sales journey to another.


9. Promote current or future offers

If your business is running a short term promotion, email marketing is a fantastic way to build up awareness on an upcoming offer and even improve your sales.

Using email marketing as an inbound marketing tool alongside your social media can help engage with customers looking for great deals.

As emails go straight to a person’s inbox, which most people have access to on both their desktop and mobile devices, there is a greater chance of customers noticing the short term promotions via email than through other methods of marketing such as Google Ads because they would have to actively seek out the information themselves.


10. Build relationships with customers

Authenticity is key in building great relationships with customers, and emails can help your brand to do just that.

Email marketing is an un-intrusive way of connecting to your audience, and personalized emails can help to build relationships with current and potential customers.

Why not send a "welcome" email for every new email subscriber, or offer them a small discount on their first purchase?


11. Personalized marketing

Segmenting your audiences according to their stage in the sales cycle isn’t the only way to personalize your emails.

Personalizing emails based on customer data can be a useful way to improve email open rates and clicks, including first names, locations, and information on the products they have been browsing or purchasing.

By personalizing your emails, they automatically become more relevant to each individual subscriber which can encourage a greater number of email opens.


Some email marketing tips:

Always get permission before sending emails

GDPR is something that should be taken seriously, and ignoring it could be an expensive mistake, not to mention it can look bad for business.

Consumers want to feel like they can trust a brand to manage their personal data responsibly, so always ensure that you have permission to send emails before you do, and provide options for opting out of your email list in every email.

This is an important way to build trust and show your responsibility as a company.

Find out more about how GDPR works and requirements for your company here.


Provide value

Every email sent to potential, current, or even past customers should provide value in some form.

You don’t need to be sending emails without purpose and risk ending up in your recipient’s ‘junk’ folder.

Think about how your emails can build your relationships with leads and customers.

Are you sharing a success story from a past customer, providing a discount, or notifying stakeholders of how you are improving your operations as a business?

Every email should do at least one of the following;

  • Help your customers to learn more about your business
  • Offer them something valuable (such as information on new products, discounts or sales)
  • Direct them to your website through enticing offers
  • Appeal to your target audience’s interests


Don’t be scared to show your brand personality

Your customers are likely receiving hundreds of emails from other companies on a regular basis, many of which won’t be opened at all.

It is for this reason that it is becoming increasingly important to make your email content stand out amongst the crowd.

How does your brand personality reflect in the emails you send customers? Are your subject lines exciting enough to encourage customers to click that all-important ‘read email’ button?

Whether your brand’s personality is professional and corporate or cheerful and light-hearted, reflect that in your email headings, copy and imagery.


Work on crafting top content

Investing time and effort into your email marketing strategy is always worthwhile.

How many emails do you receive regularly from businesses that you have made purchases from in the past, and how many of them do you open and read thoroughly?

Probably just a handful at most.

It is for this reason that creating well-written, well-considered content is important.

By looking into your overall goals before creating an email for each of your audience segments, you’ll be able to create content that converts for each.

If you’re targeting new subscribers, for example, your goal would be to encourage website clicks, online purchases, or for them to get in contact with a member of your team.

For regular customers, your email goal might be to encourage referrals in return for a discount code.

Whichever your goals, a clear subject headline, email content, and call to action are key to success.


Consistency is key

Regular, consistent emails can keep your stakeholders engaged with your company.

By keeping your business fresh in the mind of your audience through emails, when they think about purchasing a product or service that you offer, they are likely to consider yours.

Consistency doesn’t just encompass the timing of your emails, but also the consistency with your tone of voice and design.

Aligning your emails with your landing page and website pages can help to make your brand more recognizable for customers that are unfamiliar with your brand.

Don’t forget to ensure that offers and discounts are fully redeemable and straightforward on your website to make the process of purchasing as easy as possible for your subscribers.



There are many benefits to using email marketing as a digital marketing strategy for building brand awareness, increasing clicks, sales, leads, and more.

Staying competitive in a crowded market often requires innovation, and creating emails that spark interest is a great way to get your business to stand out.

Do you need help navigating the world of email marketing, or any other form of digital marketing? Get in touch with Revcarto today.