Digital Marketing Insights | Revcarto

Ads Placement: Best Practices For Your Business

Written by Chris Davis | Jun 20, 2021 9:07:57 PM

Ads placement plays a vital role when it comes to aiming to increase your impressions and conversions.

Ads placement refers to the location a display ad would be seen or shown.

These placements include all advertising spaces for products or services offered, and these spaces are mostly paid. 

It’s crucial for every business because everyone is now online.

Ad placement increases the click-through rate.

When people see an ad of yours it will help them recall your brand or business and come back to your site through the search engines.

These ad placements can help you reach the goals that you’ve set at the beginning of your campaigns. 

To have effective digital marketing campaigns it’s important to know the spaces where you should put your ads.

Here are some reminders that you should keep in mind when planning to setup ad placements.


Consider your users

Your website should be organized and make it easy to navigate for the users.

It will also help to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience.

You need to understand what they are trying to accomplish by visiting your website.

You should also determine what they do when viewing a particular page of yours.

Think like your users to fully understand what they see when they look at your ad placement and your



Show off your website and content

The website of your business or organization is where all of the information and products are.

In your ad placements, the website should shine that people will click and visit it.

The ads should be placed near the content of the users that you are interested in and the ads should communicate with them.

Once the users spot the ads, they should easily find what they are looking for.

If you are offering products or goods, make sure that the images are clear and can easily be identified.

In case you are offering services, the “consult” or CTA buttons are easy to find. 


Optimize your ad sizes

The ad unit sizes should be the best fit for the best performance on the eligible mobile traffic without the need to modify the ad code on the pages.

The content, especially images and videos should be the best fit for both mobile and desktop performance. 


Review your site

You need to explore your website and think of what first-time users might experience when checking it out.

This will help you understand if the content and all of the elements are easy to navigate.

The content should be easy to find.

The content and ads should easily be distinguished. 

Less can also be more, you should not place too many ads in your content or pages.

You can combine ad units, link units, or search boxes on your pages or website.

Placing a lot of ads on your page may also make it look disorganized and may lead the users elsewhere because they can’t find what they are looking for. 


Gather sufficient data

The effectiveness of the ad placements highly depends on the data in the form of ad impressions, clicks, page scroll, and page viewed per session.

With enough data gathered you will be able to see what works and what doesn’t.

It will be easy to whittle out the irrelevant sites and you can invest in high-performing placements with accuracy. 

Check your goals and campaign size to determine the amount of data that you needed to gather.

It will be best to have enough data before making any big changes to the campaign tactics. 

It will also not hurt if you check the data of your competitor.

The competitive intelligence data of your competitors can be checked and see if they are having substantial website traffic coming in.

If their tactic is working, you might also want to use their strategy by testing it with your ads. 


Follow the numbers

At the beginning of every campaign goals and metrics had been set.

These numbers together with your data will be your guide in the ad placements and campaign.

Follow the numbers and constantly look into the metrics and data. 



At the start of your campaign, you should set measurable goals or metrics to track your progress.

You can have the following metrics to know what’s going on with your ad campaigns:

  • Pageviews
  • Page scroll
  • Bounce rate
  • Click-through rates
  • View-through conversions

Budget allocation

You need to understand what is taking up the bulk of your ad budget.

Determine if you are paying for impressions, and see on what sites you get the most impressions.

You may simply track clicks and clickthrough rates on the sites is the best way to understand how effective your ad is to the people who are visiting these sites.

Track the behavior of your visitors and begin to spend larger portions of your budget on websites with more engaged audiences. 

Instead of just relying on the impressions, it will be best to invest in websites with higher click-through rates because they have the potential to bring qualified traffic to your website in the long run. 


Post-click activity

To fully optimize your display ad campaigns, you need to understand the behavior of the users after they click on the ads.

Some may have clicked your ads accidentally, however, some intentionally clicked on them.

The data of what they did after clicking the ad is crucial and a good indicator that your ad was helpful to the person who saw it on a particular website. 

To know if they accidentally or intentionally clicked on the ad, you can check the average page scroll length and pages per viewed session that came directly from another website, then, compare these to the same metrics for other referring sites.

If the user spent more time with your content and checked out other pages from one display ad placement, that website proves valuable in your campaign.

Target and double down in that specific website because it brought more qualified audiences 


Final Thoughts

Ad placements might be an overwhelming word especially for startups and businesses that are starting to grow and move into digital marketing.

Technology’s made to make our lives easier and this includes our businesses and companies.

It’s a good thing that there are already subject matter experts in this field where you can consult and ask for help. 

Like when determining the right sites for your ad placements it’s also important to find the right people for your digital marketing needs.

Let us help you find the right marketing agency in Philadelphia for your digital marketing journey.